Custom Processing Services Blog

5 Industries Benefiting from Nanonization Grinding Trends in 2023

Justin Klinger, Jan 6, 2023 4:53:10 PM


Nanotechnology harnesses the power and potential of reduced particles, specifically those sized to nanoscale dimensions of approximately 100 nanometers (or, 100-millionths of a millimeter). This branch of science and engineering has arguably been around for centuries. However, it made major headlines in 1981 when IBM scientists invented and used a scanning tunneling microscope to manipulate individual atoms.

Since then, nanotechnology has been adopted by many industries. The ultrafine, subatomic “building blocks'' of atoms or molecules have been used to structure or improve everything from consumer products to environmental protection control systems. The boundaries of what’s possible are rapidly expanding, as evidenced by industry trends for 2023.

 What Nanotechnology Looks Like in 2023

Nanotechnology is a catalyst for change, and the year ahead promises advancements in industries leveraging the benefits of nanonization. Here are a few highlights:

Cosmetics Industry Shifting from Synthetic to Natural Ingredients

There is consumer demand for and increasing evidence of the benefits of natural ingredients in anti-aging skin care and cleansing products, hair protection, and other cosmetics. However, natural raw materials such as plant extracts are chemically unstable. Researchers are finding that nanonization of raw materials is the answer to synthetic alternatives. Using nanoparticles in natural ingredient formulations prolongs stability, enhances solubility and sensory properties, and improves bioavailability and ingredient delivery control.1 

Automotive and Aerospace Industries Incorporate More Nanocomposites

The strength and lighter weight of composite materials have long made them preferred materials for automotive and aerospace applications. Taking polymers, coatings, additives, and other composites to the nano level is providing more opportunities to improve materials characteristics that are already relied upon by manufacturers. Other options such as 3D component printing are also coming to the fore using metal and polymer nanocomposites.2

Pharmaceutical Industry Expand Use of Nanoencapsulation

Targeted medication delivery and controlled release, shelf stability, and product yield are top priorities — and challenges — in pharmaceuticals. Nanoencapsulation has advanced solutions for these goals, including particle size reduction. Nanoparticles are playing a larger role in nanoencapsulation they are instrumental in creating the drug surface area required to facilitate solubility, bioavailability, and improving results with less required dosing.2

Agricultural Industry Manages Crop Yield and Food Nutrient Density

As the global population increases, so does the demand for quality foods. Manufacturers within the agricultural sector are turning to nanotechnology to improve productivity beginning in the field. Fertilizers and some pesticides are being imbued with nanonized agents to optimize crop yield by minimizing nutritional losses and better managing chemical propagation.3

How Toll Processors Enhance Nanonization Grinding Results

The versatility of nanotechnology is as remarkable as it is difficult to achieve. The success of any application begins with the reduced particles themselves — which directly correlates to the nanonization grinding experience of a toll processing partner.

Nanoparticles can occur naturally. More often, a toll processor creates nanoparticles using wet media milling and fluidized bed jet milling methods to reduce larger particles of the desired raw material.

High mobility and increased surface area are the hallmarks of nanoparticles, and these qualities increase or enhance some of the raw material’s properties. A toll processing partner’s expertise in particle size reduction will help manufacturers in a range of industries maximize the benefits of:

  • Solubility and dissolution rate
  • Bioavailability
  • Reactivity
  • Drug efficacy
  • Color saturation
  • Antimicrobial effects
  • UV attenuation
  • Durability, strength, and impact resistance

Nanotechnology is making the future possible today for many industries, and manufacturers are moving into new areas at speeds rarely thought possible. Trends point to even more exciting horizons — and the need for partnering with a toll processor that is a particle size reduction expert. Find the toll processing partner with the capabilities to meet your needs using our Toll Processor Evaluation Checklist. Click the button below to download your copy.

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1Cosmetics Design, Natural nanotech 101: How nanotechnology and natural ingredients intersect today, October 27, 2022

2StartUs Insights, 9 Nanotechnology Trends in 2023, Undated

3Globe Newswire, Nanotechnology for Food Packaging Market: Segmented By Application ; By Technology and Region – Global Analysis of Market Size, Share & Trends for 2019–2020 and Forecasts to 2030, June 15, 2022

Posted in:Micronization Services